- Ragione Sociale
- Provincia
- Sede
- Via Cascina Maria - 23877, Paderno D'adda (LC)
- Telefono / Cellulare
- 0399281656, 335 6358732
- Fax
- 399515025
- Referente
- Maurizio Cassanmagnago
- Sito web
Who we are
The Paso Lavoro social and working cooperative was founded within the wider type A cooperative Paso, as the natural development of experiences matured by a group of educators and psychologists in order to deal with the low occupational chances of disadvantaged individuals, particularly in the Merate area, near Lecco.
Given its relative simplicity and the sure possibility to stipulate agreements with the local municipalities, the cooperative is committed since the very beginning to providing small gardening works that complete green area management services.
It further strengthens its production with both urban fabric maintenance service and with general buildings clean-up service, started up in 2008, followed by the management of harvesting centres.
In 2012, the cooperative joined the Consorzio Forestale Lecchese, thus laying the foundations for further future collaborations, whereas in 2013 it joined the “Distretto rurale la Valle dell’Adda”.
The social vegetable garden (Orto sociale) and the biking park (Parco Bici) are the newborn activities of 2013.
The Orto sociale, called Ortografia Sociale, was created on the basis of an agreement between the Merate Istituto Tecnico high school “Viganò” – since the cultivated soil is located in the school premises – and the Provincia di Lecco authorities, which owns and lends it through a commodate contract to the cooperative.
Vegetable field and green house production and sale to, chiefly, the families of the Istituto Tecnico’s students.