- Ragione Sociale
- Provincia
- Sede
- Via Guerrazzi, Villaggio degli sposi - 24100, Bergamo
- Telefono / Cellulare
- 0353 19800
- Fax
- 0353 21839
- Referente
Who we are
The Opera Bonomelli Association deals with highly marginalised subjects, such as homeless, lonely, jobless and addicted people.
The BiOrto project is a real occupational opportunity for disadvantaged people. It aims at promoting, though the organic products market, a sustainable social process resulting in the appreciation of the local landscape and actors, cost sustainability and, what is more, the appreciation of a network system where all actors are being recognised as an important part of the process. BiOrto profits funds contribute to financing the guests stays in the Nuovo Albergo Popolare (New Housing project Hotel), or NAP, in Bergamo, Italy.
Farming of vegetable garden’s products, certified by the quality trademark ICEA (Environmental Ethics Certification Institute), produced with low-impact, organic techniques in full respect of the environment and sold on the spot with the help of NAP’s guests. BiOrto consumers might be canteens, restaurants and school but also Ethical Purchasing Groups (G.A.S. in the Italian acronym).